Besides the many workshops, there will be other interesting things going on.
There will be a crypto talk (you can also find it in the programme), an exhibition about Audre Lorde and one about struggles for reproductive justice. There will also be letter writings to prisoners and a zine/book table.
Thursday, 26th May
5:00 PM
- Opening assembly in foyer of SfE
Welcome, getting to know each other and a common start into the congress
- Workshop: Uniting Anticolonial, Queer & Environmental Struggles in R32
FOR BIPOC ONLY (all gender, english & german)
We are questioning systems of dualist, colonial, patriarchal knowlegde production and there will be the opportunity to reflect on personal involvement. It concers the recognition of century-long anti-colonial struggles and visibility of communities and WLINTA (Woman* Lesbian Inter Non-Binary Trans A-gender) that are active in today’s movement for environmental justice, gender liberation and anti-racism.
- Film Screening: One step beyond / bir adim ötesi (turkish with english subtitles) in R38
Documentary by Tülin Dağ about experciences in a turkish women’s prison.
Friday, 27th May
10:30 AM
- Panel Discussion: Feminist and anarchist struggles against prisons – experiences from the women’s prison (german & english) in Mehrgenerationenhaus
Prison and patriarchy are both manifestations of power that are closely intertwined. We talk about experiences from different women’s prisons, specific oppression of WLINTA/womxn by the prison system and the struggles for a more liberated society.
- Workshop: Justice vs. Revenge in R32
WomenLesbianInterNon-binaryTransA-gender only! (german)
In the question of how we can strengthen an anarcha-feminist movement, we cannot avoid developing a way of dealing with violence in our contexts. Over the last few years, patriarchal experiences of violence have once again become increasingly visible through outcalls, but also incalls from those affected. A first important step that many take is to leave the passive, powerless position of waiting. There is a call to take action oneself and thus to empower oneself. How this is implemented appears to vary; some engage in transformative work processes, others call for revenge to establish justice. But what do we actually mean by justice in this context? With an input based on theses, we want to open up space to enter into a conversation with one another. The goal is to learn from concrete cases and to develop ideas about justice practices and thus answers to social relations of oppression.
- Workshop: Anarchafeminist perspective on the feminist movement in Poland (english) in R33
In this workshop we want to outline the condition of the feminist movement in Poland. What changed after the massive pro-abortion protests in 2020/2021? Are anti-feminist narratives popular, how do they manifest in leftist scene (the example of Syrena squat eviction)? What are our attempts at consolidating the feminist movement in Poland? How do we react to the presence of liberal feminism? After our input we’d be happy to discuss the similarities and differences we face in our organizing as well as think about the possible ways to cooperate.
Workshop: Defense means organization – organization means defense(german) in 38What does it mean to advance revolutionary social organizing from an internationalist and feminist perspective? What is the legacy on which we can build and how can we defend it? And what does internationalism mean for us in this context? These questions will be approached from the perspective of the campaign Women Defend Rojava and the Initiative Democratic Confederalism. The main focus of the lecture and the following discussion will be to shed light on how the experiences of the women’s movement of Kurdistan and the liberation movement of Kurdistan can be a starting point to find solutions for social issues here on the ground and what the defense of their achievements means. The lines „Defend Revolution – Build Democratic Confederalism – Unite Democratic Forces“ will be used as a guideline.
3:00 PM
- Panel Discussion: Revolutionary friendship (english) in Mehrgenerationenhaus
We talk about women in prison, we talk about life in prison, we talk about friendships in prison, we talk about life after prison, we talk about political women prisoners and politics. We talk about past and present: „Worldwide, the Turkish state is known for its repression against prisoners. With its organized and planned policy of repression and cruelty, Turkey is at the forefront of the world in prison opression. Repression of political prisoners is not only known to Erdogan’s regime, it is rather, a basic pillar of the Turkish state. Especially the subject of repression against women is not spoken about much publicly, nor is it made public. We as political women prisoners will discuss the women’s prisons in Turkey, and report on our experiences.“
Reading + exchange on the topic of martial arts and body norms + afterwards making mini-zines (german, english & french) in R40
Be there live for the pre-release of TAKING SPACE/PRENDRE PLACE, a collectively designed zine on the topic of martial arts and body norms. Just in time for the conference, the zine is fresh from the press, so let’s celebrate together! The project was born out of discussions about how martial arts and feminism can be connected. About how we as WLINTAS* & Queers can stand our ground and build allyship in spaces dominated by competition. We started with an open call for submissions to collect different perspectives on combat sports in a zine. In our workshop we will read some of them and look forward to have exchange and discuss with you.
- Panel discussion: Queer spaces and revolutionary bonds (english) in R32
How do we want to organize queer structures and autonomous spaces, how does capitalism sneak into our encounters and what instruments did we get to know until now to build subversive connections.
What are the virtues of the counterculture we want to create?
Demo training: Solidarity in the street (english) in the forum of SfE
A physical training for more solidarity in demo/ riots based on experiences in France. Some tools to deal with stress in demo, to avoid being hurt or arressted and to defend from cops.
- Book presentation and discussion: „O Poder das Ervas // The Power From Herbs“ (portuguese with english translation) in R33
This book compiles a series of recipes for herbal baths, footbaths and syrops that can be performed by any person and that strenghens autonomy to protect themselves, overcome difficulties, heal and achieve moments of relaxation and tranquility.
9:00 PM
- Film Screening: Nos robaron las noches (spanish & subtitles) in R32
Eleven Mexican women talk about how prison has affected their lives.
The gentleman robber: The story of Butch Lesbian Rita Bo Brown (english) in R33The Gentleman Bank Robber is a portrait of revolutionary rita bo brown, a white working class butch from rural Oregon who became known as “The Gentleman Bank Robber” in the 1970s for combining her butch style of dress with a polite way of demanding funds from bank tellers.
Saturday, 28th May
10:30 AM
- Workshop: Gender, counterviolence and repression (German) in R32
Patriarchal power structures and repression are inseperably linked to each other. As disobedient WLINTAs we are threatened with gender-specific repression and stigmatisation. This mechanisms pervade history: they can be found in historical as well as current examples – and reoccur in our everyday lifes. Let us share experiences and develop strategies, to defend ourselves against these mechanisms. Input & discussion.
- Workshop: Historical perspetices on counter-violent feminism in West Germany in Mehrgenerationenhaus
WomenLesbianInterNon-binaryTransA-gender only! (German)
„The private is political“. This slogan has been a constant since the beginning of the radical „new women*s movement“ of the 1970ies until the 80ies. What meaning does this slogan carry for a counter-violent feminism and the idea of a liberated society today? There will be short inputs, in which the 4 speakers will talk about their own experiences in the struggles and conflicts in the 70ies and 80ies. They will explain how the women*’s stuggles developed, which topics mobilised the movement and how the notion of „militancy“ was put into pracice. In the discussion that follows, we want to ask, what is important for today’s perspectives and struggles. What can we learn from the struglles of the 70ies and 80ies?
Workshop: Anarchism and the Kurdish Movement – Development and Impacts (german)cancelled
The Kurdish movement is a movement of many: such as of women, anarchists, communists and much more. The Kurdish movement has shown, that also religion and culture can have its space in the movement. Because the ideology says: the movement is one of many. The movement of people, of feminism, of idealism and of struggle. The history of the Kurdish workers-movement shows, how a small group of guerillas can develop into a huge movement. We will look specifically at the influence of the women’s movement and anarchism. Other influcences such as Islam will also be looked at.
- Workshop: Black feminist movement (english or german) in R33
Workshop: communitarian feminism (spanish with translation) in R38In this event we want to facilitate a space for exchange between feminist, migrant and anti-racist collectives whose aim is to strengthen the community in order to create social transformation. The collective perrxs del futuro will make an input on communitarian feminisms and then dialogue with those who put their political principles into practice. Migrant collectives are especially invited but it will be an open space.
3:00 PM
- Workshop: Decolonial feminist perspectives against neoextractivism. Breaking paradigms of sustainability (english) in R33
Colonialism will survive the green transition. The energy transition is reconfiguring the forms of exploitation of living territories; rural communities, indigenous people, but also cities in Abya Yala (Latin America) have been affected by deterritorialization processes, due to the growing pressure to produce raw materials for transnational companies. This new/old form of accumulation is covered in the sustainability discourse, producing an international division of labor, dehumanization, and above all disconnection with all the life systems that inhabit the territories.
From decolonial feminism we make an approach to this problem, denouncing the coloniality of sustainability, including coloniality of gender, and raising the response of re-existence that persist historically in relational ontologies.
- Workshop: Sex Work – Complicity and Solidarity (spanish with translation) in Mehrgenerationenhaus
Photo exhibition and movie screening of the project: LOS MUCHOS TRIANGULOS ROSAS (THE MANY PINK TRIANGLES), Stories of witnesses from the LGBTQ+ communities who suffered persecution, imprisonment and torture because of their sexual status under different military dictatorships in Latin America. Discussion with BRIGADA CALLEJERA DE APOYO A LAS MUJERES ‘ELISA MÁRTINEZ’, a community-based organization with 30 years of experience in the defense of sex workers, in the prevention and detection of HIV and STIs and in community mobilization against human trafficking, abuse of authority and violence against women*.
Workshop: No one can evict the movement (english) in R32Feminist perspectives on the refugee movement around Oranienplatz and GHS/Ohlauer Straße in Berlin.
Workshop: Self defense using daily life itemsWomenLesbianInterNon-binaryTransA-gender only (german)
Please register at infor point to recieve info about room
6:00 PM
- RITUAL: „Encounters of the Self with the Territory“, Natural & Campesino / „Begegnungen des Selbst mit dem Territorium“ in R33
6:30 PM
Drag Performance21:00 PM
(Location: Schwester Martha, Mariannenplatz, Entrance at Bethaniendamm!)
Sunday, 29th May
11:00 AM
- Workshop: Feminicides in Germany – we fight to live! (german) in R32
A workshop about joint action in the fight against feminicides. In the workshop, current figures, theoretical backgrounds and discourses on the topic of feminicides in Germany will first be examined. There will be a special focus on an intersectional perspective critical of racism. In addition, we will give an overview of the work of the Network Against Feminicides. In the second part of the workshop, the focus will be on thinking together about what strategies we need in the fight against feminicide and how we can unite against patriarchal violence. What social transformations do we need to achieve real safety for all? What do we demand from politics, justice or police and how can approaches to fight patriarchal violence and feminicides look like beyond state structures? We want to discuss these and/or other questions in the workshop and, above all, give space for experiences from the different contexts of the participants to be exchanged and thought together.
- Workshop: Antifeminism and Queer-hostility (german) in R33
In the workshop, we will explain the terms anti-femisnims and queer-hostility and look at their political contexts. What kind of actions, which actors and forms of organising exist? How can we recognise, dismantle and unroot them? With tips and tricks for research and self-care.
- Workshop: How our revolutionary proposals are applicable in the present time. Community of squatted Prosfigika (Athens); Structure of children’s house and self-education and Womens Cafe (english) in R38
The community of squatted Prosfigika is a squatted neighborhood in Athens, Greece where people of the social base together with political individuals and groups organize to cover their needs with a revolutionary perspective, on the present and future. In the community, the organization through structures and self-education are essential tools. These tools are the key to introducing individuals of the social basis to self-organization, and to initatiate them to the proposal of self-constituting their lives between a whole lot of people. Aiming for the realization of revolutionary values in the present time, we acculturate through the structures as well as organize our everyday life and face our problems.
- Cryptosprechstunde (German) (11am-3pm) in R31
The more political activism takes place digitally, the more important the topic of digital self-defense becomes. At this open space we advise and support you with questions about encryption, anonymization/gate, secure communication, digital collaboration and device security. If you need specific support with your device, maybe take a look at our FAQ:
3:00 PM
- Closing Assembly in the Foyer of SfE
We want to come together and discuss the most important points to take with us from the conference.